
About Rachelle
First and foremost, I am a wife, mother of 6, and a daughter of the King. I live with my husband of almost 24 years and 4 of my children in Oak Harbor WA. I love the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and am excited to be serving clients on Whidbey Island. I am passionate about nutrition and natural healing including medicinal and homeopathic remedies. I am a bit of a homesteader and find much joy in preserving home grown foods, making my own herbal tinctures, and spending time with family.
My Story
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with pregnancy and birth. Even as a small child, I frequently was found with a pillow in my shirt pretending to be pregnant, carrying around my precious baby doll, or collecting bugs in hopes they were pregnant and ready to birth.
I attended my first “human” birth at the age of 17 which sparked a fire that has never been quenched. I had a homebirth with my first son at the age of 21 and 6 months after his birth became a doula and childbirth educator which I did for the next 13 years.
My goal was always to become a midwife and serve women. I graduated from nursing school in 2005 and worked at several different hospitals over the years as a labor and postpartum nurse.
I went on to have 4 more home births and 1 hospital birth. When my youngest was 4, I was finally able to start my midwifery education process. I attended Frontier School of Nursing where I attained my masters’ degree in Nurse Midwifery in Dec 2021.
I practiced midwifery at a busy birth center being present at over 130 births in 18 months. My goal was to open my own practice here on the Island being able to serve my community doing home births and offering a different approach to women’s health as an ARNP. I am excited to see this dream come to fruition!

About Jordyn
I’m headed into my fourth year with Midwives College of Utah where I will earn my Bachelors of Science in Midwifery in 2024. Over the last few years, I’ve had the privilege of helping over 150 babies earthside. Even with the sleepless nights, racing around in the middle of the night and studying with every spare moment I have, I still love what I do.
My Story
I came into midwifery after experiencing medical trauma myself. To the western medical system, I was a number and I was supposed to fit in a box with everyone else. I was not treated as an individual.
I always wanted to help babies into our world, but I wanted to be in a place that would allow families to be in control of their care, for the parent to be seen as the unique individual they are, to incorporate and honor the whole family…and I wasn’t going to find this in the hospital setting! And so midwifery called my name.
I value informed choice, personal relationships and a care that reflects midwife and client as a team. Midwifery for me is a high calling and a privilege that I don’t take lightly. Pregnancy and birth are sacred events that grow more special to me as the years go by. After every birth I still think “I can’t believe I got to be there for that!”
So, thank you for inviting me into your space.
When I’m not studying I’m likely foraging for herbs in the wild, sewing something or trying to get my nephew to laugh. I have lived in the Skagit Valley for 5 years and love serving this community.